Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Title: 'Sesame' oil


Sesame oil is an 'Oleo' chemical[1]. It is extracted from a spice, 'Sesame'. The uses associated with the oil along with seed and the de-oiled cake are discussed in this article.


Sesame is mostly found in the tropical, subtropical, and southern temperate areas of the world. In the ancient times, Egyptians used the crushed seed as flour. The Romans used the grounded seeds to make the spread on the bread along with cumin. Five thousand years ago, Chinese used to burned the oil for making soot of ink blocks.

Plant and seed:

The flowers of the plant (botanical name: Sesamum Indicum) may vary as white, pink or mauve and are in bell shape. They grow in the leaf axils with a bunch of flowers. Depending on the conditions of cultivation, the plant grows to a height of about 2 to 9 feet tall; with or without branches. The development of seed is shown in the diagram:

 The hulled seeds of about 3 mm long have a flattened pear shape and appear in white colour. The seed capsules open when dry, allowing the seed to scatter. The aroma and taste of the seed helps to stand in the kingdom of spices. The composition of a seed variety is represented in the diagram:

Oil extraction and storage:

Indian market has the white, black, brown coloured varieties of 'Sesame' seeds with a range of 44 to 60% oil content^. The process in the extraction of oil at room temperature is represented in the diagram.

 The pressed oil has a pale yellow colour in cold condition and is stored. Due to presence of natural antioxidants (Sesamolin, Sesamin) the oil has excellent stability and resistance to rancidity[2]. The structures of antioxidants are represented in the diagram:

Presence of poly unsaturated fats (Oleic and Linoleic acids occupy 85% of total fatty acids) and anti-bacterial properties promotes the use of Sesame oil to food industry. Also the de-oiled cake is reported to have good nutrients and is used as a cattle feed.

Health benefits:

The oil contains anti-inflammatory[3] compounds, antioxidants[4] that slows the skin aging process. Presence of vitamins and other important nutrients help in the proper functioning of heart.

On burning, the nutrients in the oil gets damaged and release smoke. Hence, it is wisely used for cooking instead of frying.

NOTE: These health benefits are not for the people who are suffering with diarrhoea[5] and are allergic to sesame-derived food products.



[1] Oleo chemical: Oil related chemical obtained from natural origin like plant and animal.

[2] Rancidity: Damage caused to oil when kept open to air.

[3] Anti-inflammatory: Swelling of a body part and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.

[4] Antioxidants: A substance, such as vitamin E, that protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation. They play a protective role against cancer.

[5] Diarrhoea: It is a condition in which faeces are frequently discharged in liquid form from the bowels.
^ Reference site about the value of oil content in sesame seed: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/536043/sesame

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